Vice Chair of Governors

Mark has lived in South Yorkshire for 29 years. He attended school in Goole and Selby and is a graduate of Sheffield City Polytechnic where he studied Hotel, Catering and Institutional Management.
Mark brings to the Governing Body his ten years’ experience in the Hotel and Leisure Industry followed by 34 years in Higher Education services covering leadership of commercial services, facilities management, estates development, space management and academic timetabling. Mark also brings his international experience to the Board through his involvement in chairing the annual International Innovative Learning Spaces Summits.
Mark is now a freelance consultant supporting FE and HE on a range of organisational challenges. He is a trustee of the Sheffield Town Trust one of the oldest charities in the country and delivers mindfulness coaching and mindfulness leadership development sessions.
Mark is keen to make a positive contribution to the work of the DN Colleges Group in transforming lives and building its reputation as an outstanding educator and provider of training and employment opportunities for its students.