Chair of Governors

Angela Briggs is our Chair of Governors of the DN Colleges Group. She sits on a number of committees: Finance & Resources; Search and Governance; Curriculum, Quality & Performance; and Higher Education Performance & Quality.
Angela is currently a Justice of the Peace for the Lincolnshire Bench of the magistracy, serving in the Adult and Family Courts. Prior to retirement, she was a Principal in both the primary and secondary school sector for sixteen years. During this time, she worked with the National College of School Leadership as a Regional Coordinator and was Chair of the Secondary Heads and Principals Consortia. Angela feels that her knowledge of where young people come from, both educationally and from a community perspective, enables her to offer insight and support with regard to their educational continuity and progression.
Angela feels honoured to be a part of the college and working with its highly committed board of governors and Group Executive, to support its continued development in delivering an outstanding education and enhanced life chances to the young people of our region.